TEPIAN Journal Volume 4 Number 2, June, 2023, Journal of Software Engineering Technology (TRPL), Department of Engineering and Informatics, Samarinda State Agriculture Polytechnic always present and has been accredited Rank 4. The publication of this edition in 2023, apart from being evidence of the increasing and growing appreciation for self-development and the contribution to the development of studies and enthusiasts in software science studies, is also to inform that this TEPIAN Journal is published regularly four times a year, namely in March , June, September , and December. We as managers also always make improvements so that this TEPIAN Journal can be recognized internationally. In Volume 4 Number 2 March 2023, TEPIAN Journal presents a number of articles containing articles from research results related to development of applications and programs and software engineering the development of software engineering. This edition of the journal contains 7 (seven) articles related to the discipline of computer science. Some of the articles that we have published in this edition are expected to be able to contribute to the development of the discipline of software engineering technology in Indonesia and in East Kalimantan in particular. The editors would like to thank the contributors and partners in this edition of the Journal of Software Engineering Technology Studies, some of whom have waited a long time for their articles to be published in the third edition in 2023. Once again, I hope that this journal will be useful for readers as well as for the emergence of fresh, creative and innovative ideas in the development of software engineering technology. The editors also expect input and submissions of academic manuscripts and scientific writings that will enrich the repertoire of Software Engineering studies.

Published: June 25, 2023

Development of Prototype System Design with the Application of Renewable Technology

Diah Widiastuti (1), Titi Ratnasari (2), Intan Ratna Sari Yanti (3)
(1) Machine Engineering, National University ,
(2) Electrical Engineering, PLN Institute of Technology ,
(3) Electrical Engineering, PLN Institute of Technology

Mixed Reality Sandbox Game Development for Improving Disability Children Fine Motor Skill

Lukman Hakim (1), Muhamad Fuad Al Haris (2), Eka Mistiko Rini (3), Dedy Hidayat Kusuma (4)
(1) Software Eingineering Technology, Polytechnic of Banyuwangi ,
(2) Software Eingineering Technology, Polytechnic of Banyuwangi ,
(3) Software Eingineering Technology, Polytechnic of Banyuwangi ,
(4) Software Eingineering Technology, Polytechnic of Banyuwangi

Decision Support System for Selecting Student Thesis Study Fields

Muhamad Al-Fajar Ananda Ulsa (1), Renny Puspita Sari (2), Ferdy Febriyanto (3)
(1) Information System, Tanjungpura University ,
(2) Information System, Tanjungpura University ,
(3) Information System, Tanjungpura University

Development of a Local Area Network-Based Filing System for Outgoing and Incoming Letters in The General Service of The Samboja Sub-District

Afrah Dewi Fortuna (1), Asep Nurhuda (2), Yulianto (3)
(1) Software Engineering Technology, Agricultural Polytechnic of Samarinda ,
(2) Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Politeknik Pertanian Samarinda ,
(3) Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Politeknik Pertanian Samarinda

Student Tuition Fee Management Using Web-Based Application System

Dahlan Susilo (1), Muhammad Dwi Nugroho (2), Diyah Ruswanti (3)
(1) Informatika, Universitas Sahid Surakarta ,
(2) Informatika, Universitas Sahid Surakarta ,
(3) Informatika, Universitas Sahid Surakarta

Utilizing Geographic Information Systems to Estimate Biomass and Carbon Based on Slope in Secondary Dryland Forests in the Forest Area of Mulawarman University

Adelia Juli Kardika (1), Julian Istanto (2), Khilma Sufiana (3), Agustina Murniyati (4), Kiamah Fathirizki Agsa Kamarati (5), Rudito (6)
(1) Forest Management, Agriculture Polytechnic of Samarinda ,
(2) Forest Management, Agriculture Polytechnic of Samarinda ,
(3) Consolidation of Forest Area and Environmental Management Center Region IV Samarinda ,
(4) Forest Management, Agriculture Polytechnic of Samarinda ,
(5) Forest Management, Agriculture Polytechnic of Samarinda ,
(6) Plantation Product Technology, Agriculture Polytechnic of Samarinda

Hyperparameter Tuning Deep Learning for Imbalanced Data

Refi Riduan Achmad (1), Muhammad Haris (2)
(1) Computer Science, University of Nusa Mandiri ,
(2) Computer Science, University of Nusa Mandiri