Reporting Standards

Authors of original research articles must provide an accurate and objective account of their work, ensuring that all data is presented truthfully. The paper should include enough detail and references to allow others to replicate the study. Any falsification or intentional misrepresentation of data is considered unethical and unacceptable. Similarly, review articles and professional publications should maintain accuracy and objectivity, while editorial pieces must be explicitly labeled as opinion-based.

Data Access and Retention

Authors may be required to provide raw data related to their submission for editorial review. If feasible, they should be prepared to make such data publicly accessible and retain it for a reasonable period following publication.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must ensure that their submitted work is entirely original. If they incorporate the work or words of others, proper citations or quotations must be provided. Plagiarism, in any form—whether copying another paper, paraphrasing substantial sections without attribution, or falsely claiming research conducted by others—constitutes unethical conduct and is strictly prohibited.

Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication

Authors should avoid submitting the same research to multiple journals simultaneously, as this is considered unethical. Generally, previously published works should not be submitted for consideration in another journal. However, some types of publications, such as clinical guidelines or translations, may be republished under specific conditions. In such cases, all involved journals must agree to the secondary publication, which must accurately reflect the data and interpretations of the original work, with proper citation of the primary source.

Acknowledgment of Sources

Authors must properly acknowledge the contributions of others by citing relevant publications that have influenced their work. Information acquired through private discussions, correspondence, or confidential services, such as peer review or grant evaluations, must not be used without explicit, written permission from the source.

Authorship Criteria

Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research. Those who have contributed meaningfully should be listed as co-authors, while others who participated in specific aspects should be acknowledged as contributors. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate co-authors are included, that there are no unwarranted authors, and that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript before submission.

Hazards and Research Involving Humans or Animals

If the study involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment with potential hazards, authors must clearly disclose these risks in the manuscript. Research involving human or animal subjects must comply with relevant laws and institutional guidelines, with approval from the appropriate ethics committee. For studies involving human participants, informed consent must be obtained, and their privacy rights must always be safeguarded.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial or personal conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation of their findings. This includes employment relationships, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimonies, patents, grants, or any other funding sources. Such disclosures should be made as early as possible in the publication process.

Corrections and Retractions

If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must promptly inform the journal editor or publisher and cooperate in retracting or correcting the article. If the editor or publisher is notified by a third party of a potential error, the author is responsible for either correcting the issue or providing evidence supporting the original publication’s accuracy.

Changes in Authorship

Any modifications to the author list after submission require agreement from all authors, including those being added or removed. Requests for changes must be submitted to the editorial office with written consent from all affected parties.

Deceased Authors

If an author passes away before publication, their name should still be included in the author list. Additionally, their contribution will be recognized in the acknowledgment section with a statement such as: "We acknowledge [Author's Name], who contributed significantly to this research but unfortunately passed away before publication. Their contributions are recognized and honored in this work."

Affiliation Changes

If an author's institutional affiliation changes during the research process, they may list either their affiliation at the time of the research or their current affiliation, or both. Any changes can be clarified in the acknowledgment section.

Contributor Statement

A contributor statement is required for all submitted manuscripts. This statement should specify:

  • Author contributors (who meet the full authorship criteria)

  • Non-author contributors (who provided material or advisory input but do not qualify as authors)

  • Group author collaborators, if applicable

Contributions that do not justify authorship should be clearly stated. Examples include, provided scientific guidance, critically reviewed the research proposal, or collected data.

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Research and Writing

Authors must disclose if AI-based tools, such as large language models, chatbots, or image generators, were used in any aspect of manuscript preparation. The use of AI should be specified in the relevant section:

  • Writing assistance: If AI was used to draft or edit text, this should be disclosed in the acknowledgment section.

  • Data analysis or image generation: If AI tools were used for data collection, analysis, or visual content creation, authors must describe their usage in the methods section.

AI tools cannot be listed as authors since they cannot take responsibility for the accuracy, integrity, and originality of the work. Authors remain fully accountable for content generated with AI assistance and must ensure proper attribution and ethical compliance.

Commitment to Ethical Standards

By adhering to this policy, TEPIAN journal aims to uphold the highest ethical standards in academic publishing, ensuring that authorship and contributorship are assigned fairly and transparently. These guidelines help prevent conflicts, maintain accountability, and recognize all contributions appropriately [back to publication ethics]