Policy Statement
TEPIAN recognizes the effort authors put into preparing manuscripts and the rigorous peer-review process conducted. However, under certain exceptional circumstances, published articles may need to be corrected, retracted, or removed to uphold scientific integrity. Such actions will only be taken when absolutely necessary and will follow strict standards to maintain the credibility of our academic records. TEPIAN is committed to ensuring the integrity and completeness of published research for the benefit of researchers and librarians.

Content Integrity and Maintenance
TEPIAN is dedicated to maintaining the accuracy and integrity of its published content. To achieve this, we follow best practices in scientific publishing, ensuring that any necessary updates or corrections are clearly communicated to our readers. Any changes made to published articles will be transparently documented and made publicly available.

Article Retraction
TEPIAN is committed to preserving the reliability of the academic record. Retractions may occur under the following conditions:

  • The article contains significant scientific errors that invalidate its conclusions, whether due to research misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or honest mistakes (e.g., miscalculations or experimental errors).

  • The findings have been previously published elsewhere without appropriate citations, permissions, or justification (redundant publication).

  • Ethical violations such as plagiarism, authorship disputes, or misuse of confidential information have been identified.

In line with COPE guidelines, the following retraction process will be followed:

  1. The issue is brought to the attention of the journal editor.

  2. The editor will investigate the case based on COPE flowcharts and obtain a response from the author.

  3. If necessary, the case will be reviewed by the Ethics Advisory Board to ensure adherence to best practices.

  4. A final decision is communicated to the author and, if relevant, their affiliated institution.

  5. A formal retraction statement will be published online and in the next available journal issue.

Article Withdrawal
Authors are discouraged from withdrawing manuscripts after submission, as this wastes valuable editorial and peer-review resources. Authors must agree to TEPIAN’s submission guidelines before submitting their work. The following withdrawal policies apply:

  • If an author requests withdrawal while the manuscript is under review, a penalty of IDR 500,000 per manuscript will be charged.

  • If the withdrawal request occurs after the manuscript has been accepted, a penalty of IDR 700,000 per manuscript applies.

  • If a published article is found to violate publication ethics (e.g., multiple submissions, authorship disputes, plagiarism, data manipulation), it will be marked as "Withdrawn." The original article will be removed, and a withdrawal notice will be displayed in its place. In this case, the author will be fined IDR 800,000 per manuscript.

  • Authors who refuse to pay the penalty will be blacklisted from submitting to TEPIAN for 3 years.

  • Withdrawal requests must be formally submitted via an official letter signed by the corresponding author and institutional leader.

Article Correction
Corrections will be issued when errors are identified that impact the integrity of a publication. Corrections fall into the following categories:

  • Publisher correction (Erratum): Addressing errors made by the journal, such as production mistakes.

  • Author correction (Corrigendum): Addressing significant author errors that affect scientific interpretation.

  • Addendum: Additional information that enhances or clarifies the original publication.

Editors will review correction requests, consulting reviewers or the editorial board when necessary, and make a final decision on the appropriate correction type.

Article Removal
In rare cases, an article may need to be removed entirely due to legal reasons, defamation, copyright infringement, or serious health risks associated with its content. If removal is necessary, only the metadata (title and author information) will remain, with a notice explaining the removal.

Article Replacement
If a published article is found to contain serious errors that could pose a health risk or significantly mislead readers, authors may choose to retract and replace it with a corrected version. In such cases, the retraction notice will include a link to the updated article, maintaining a clear record of document history.[back to Publication Ethics]