Journal Description
TEPIAN is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that presents scientific research in various fields of information technology and computer science. The journal aims to publish original research studies that contribute to advancements in computer science and information technology. TEPIAN encompasses the full spectrum of information technology and computer science, including Information System, Hardware Technology, Intelligent System, Multimedia Applications, Smart Farming, Education Technology, and Smart Farming. In addition to these core areas, TEPIAN also welcomes research on emerging interdisciplinary topics that intersect with information technology and computer science. The journal accepts original research papers, review articles, and commentaries.TEPIAN is a journal published by the Software Engineering Department, Agriculture Polytechnic of Samarinda, supported by the Association of Higher Education on Informatics and Computer (APTIKOM) East Kalimantan (MOU: 101/Aptikom-Journal/2022). With an editorial team that includes experts from Indonesia and Malaysia, and a review panel featuring scholars from Poland, China, Indoneisia, TEPIAN is committed to maintaining high-quality research standards while fostering regional and global academic collaboration. The journal has also published manuscripts from international authors, further reinforcing its dedication to global knowledge exchange. TEPIAN is indexed by Sinta 3 from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Republic Indonesia (10/C/C3/DT.05.00/2025)
Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief in advance to inquire about whether their research topic is suitable for consideration by TEPIAN. Through an Open Access publishing model, TEPIAN provides an important forum where computer science researchers in academic, public and private arenas can present the latest results from research on information technology and communication in a broad sense.
ISSN: 2721-5350 (Print)
ISSN: 2721-5369 (Elektronik)DOI: 10.51967/tepian
Accreditation : SINTA 3
Frequency: Quarter (March, June, September, December)
Distribution: Open Access
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda
Current Issue
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025): March 2025
Tepian Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025): March 2025 marks the first edition of the year, presenting a diverse collection of scientific studies in the fields of educational technology, information systems, and multimedia. In this edition, we feature research focused on the development of technology to enhance education and public services. One of the highlights is the development of augmented reality-based learning media designed to improve spatial thinking skills. Additionally, other studies explore innovations in information systems, such as the design of a competency test registration application for healthcare professionals, an employee payment system, and a data management system for fishermen, all aimed at improving efficiency and service quality. In the multimedia field, this edition includes research on the implementation of the A pathfinding algorithm in the development of the Survival Horror: Rabies Outbreak game, offering insights into the application of artificial intelligence in the creative industry. Furthermore, a study evaluating website quality using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method provides a perspective on measuring user experience in digital systems. As we begin 2025, we hope that Tepian can achieve new milestones by being indexed in Scopus and improving its SINTA ranking. With continuous dedication to publishing high-quality research, we strive to make this journal a valuable reference for researchers, academics, and practitioners in various fields.
Published: March 15, 2025