Ethical Clearance
TEPIAN is dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in all published research. Ensuring ethical conduct is fundamental to maintaining the integrity and credibility of scientific inquiry. This policy outlines the ethical clearance requirements for research involving human participants, animals, and other sensitive materials. This policy applies to all research submitted to TEPIAN, encompassing studies involving human subjects, animals, and any potentially hazardous materials. Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with ethical standards and obtaining necessary approvals before initiating their research.
Ethical Approval for Human Research
Research involving human participants must receive ethical approval from an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB) prior to commencement. The approval process should ensure that the study design respects the rights, safety, and well-being of the participants. Authors must include a statement in their manuscripts confirming that such approval was obtained, specifying the name of the approving body and the approval reference number.
Informed Consent
Researchers must obtain informed consent from all human participants involved in their studies. Participants should be provided with clear and comprehensive information about the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. Consent must be given voluntarily, without any form of coercion. A statement confirming that informed consent was obtained should be included in the manuscript, such as: "Written informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to their inclusion in the study."
Protection of Vulnerable Populations
Special consideration must be given to research involving vulnerable populations, including minors, individuals with cognitive impairments, or economically disadvantaged groups. Additional safeguards should be implemented to protect these participants, ensuring that their participation is ethical and consensual.
Ethical Approval for Animal Research
Studies involving animals must be conducted in accordance with institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. Researchers are encouraged to implement the 3Rs principles:
Replacement: Utilize alternative methods that avoid or replace the use of animals.
Reduction: Employ strategies that minimize the number of animals used.
Refinement: Adopt techniques that minimize animal suffering and improve welfare.
Authors must confirm in their manuscripts that ethical approval was obtained for animal studies and that the research adhered to relevant guidelines.
Data Protection and Privacy
Researchers must ensure that participants' anonymity and confidentiality are maintained throughout the study. Personal data should be handled in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. Authors should describe in their manuscripts the measures taken to protect participants' privacy and data security.
Right to Withdraw
Participants must be informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any point without any negative consequences. This information should be clearly communicated during the consent process, and authors should acknowledge this right in their manuscripts.
Ethical Considerations for Hazardous Materials
Research involving hazardous materials, such as toxic chemicals or biological agents, must comply with relevant safety and ethical guidelines. Authors should obtain necessary approvals and include statements in their manuscripts detailing the safety measures implemented to protect researchers, participants, and the environment.
Editorial Review and Compliance
TEPIAN's editorial team will review submitted manuscripts to ensure compliance with this ethical clearance policy. Authors may be requested to provide additional documentation or clarification regarding ethical approvals. Failure to comply with these ethical standards may result in the rejection of the manuscript or retraction of the published article.