Journal Description

57195557287 Tepian open access and peer-reviewed journal that presents scientific research in various fields information technology and computer science.

The purpose of TEPIAN is to publish original research studies directly relevant to computer science. TEPIAN encompasses the full spectrum of information technology and computer science, including Information System, Hardware Technology, Intelligent System, Multimedia Applications and Smart Farming. TEPIAN welcomes original papers, reviews and commentaries. Suggestions for special issues covering selected topics may be considered. TEPIAN is devoted to publish manuscripts that advance the knowledge of information technology and communication beyond state-of-the-art.

Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief in advance to inquire about whether their research topic is suitable for consideration by TEPIAN. Through an Open Access publishing model, TEPIAN provides an important forum where computer science researchers in academic, public and private arenas can present the latest results from research on information technology and communication in a broad sense.

All articles to TEPIAN are posted online immediately as they are ready for publication. All articles will be assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) in 2021 (insyallah). whereby they become searchable and citeable without delay. This journal is published every March, June, September, and December.

ISSN: 2721-5350 (Print)
ISSN: 2721-5369 (Elektronik)
DOI: 10.51967/tepian
Accreditation : SINTA 4
Distribution: Open Access

Frequency: Quarter (March, June, September, December)


Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): June 2024

Published: June 10, 2024

Cloud Storage for Object Detection using ESP32-CAM

Imron (1), Bagus Satria (2), Syafei Karim (3), Fajar Ramadhani (4)
(1) Software Engineering Technology, Polytechnic Agricultural State of Samarinda, ,
(2) Software Engineering Technology, Polytechnic Agricultural State of Samarinda ,
(3) Accounting Information System, Polytechnic Agricultural State of Samarinda ,
(4) Accounting Information System, Polytechnic Agricultural State of Samarinda

Water Level Monitoring for Flood Early Mitigation Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

Nur Syamsi (1), Maria Ulfah (2), Dwi Lesmideyarti (3)
(1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan ,
(2) Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan ,
(3) Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

A Decision Support System is Developed to Determine the Optimal Criteria for Selecting Exceptional Lecturers Based on Their Lecturer Performance Index

Aris Nurhindarto (1), Wellia Shinta Sari (2), Novi Hendriyanto (3), MY Teguh Sulistyono (4)
(1) Information System, Dian Nuswantoro University ,
(2) Information System, Dian Nuswantoro University ,
(3) Information System, Dian Nuswantoro University ,
(4) Information System, Dian Nuswantoro University

Decision Support System for Wedding Package Using Multi-Objective Optimization of Ratio Analysis Method

Indah Fitri Astuti (1), Awang Harsa Kridalaksana (2), Rasni Alex (3), Dewi Fitri (4), Dedy Cahyadi (5), Aulia Khoirunnita (6)
(1) Informatics, Mulawarman University ,
(2) Informatics, Mulawarman University ,
(3) Informatics, Mulawarman University ,
(4) Informatics, Mulawarman University ,
(5) Informatics, Mulawarman University ,
(6) Informatics, Mulawarman University

Application of Bubble Sort Optimization in New Student Admission Selection Using Brute Force Algorithm

Arbansyah (1), Muhammad Fauzan Nur Ilham (2), Sayekti Harits Suryawan (3), Pandu Wirayuda (4)
(1) Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur ,
(2) Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur ,
(3) Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur ,
(4) Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

Medicinal Plants Recommendation System using ROC and MOORA

Joan Angelina Widians (1), Andi Tejawati (2), Wenty Dwi Yuniarti (3)
(1) Informatics, Engineering, Mulawarman University ,
(2) Informatics, Engineering, Mulawarman University ,
(3) Information Technology, Science and Technology, Walisongo State Islamic University

Development of the “Digihet” Multimedia Education Program to Improve Health Quality in the Setara Community Group

Nurhasanah (1), Reza Andrea (2), M. Ardan (3)
(1) Hospital Administration, STIKES Mutiara Mahakam ,
(2) Software Engineering Technology, Agricultural Polytechnic of Samarinda ,
(3) Hospital Administration, STIKES Mutiara Mahakam
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