Publication charges

The current charge for publication is IDR 0 (FREE) ($ 0) per article for international author, Politani Academic Community, and IDR 700.000,- ($ 47) for Indonesian author. Waiver policy is temporarily applied to articles submitted outside Indonesian based on first authors.

Fast-track Publication (Accelerated Publication)

A fast-track process is available for authors who desire quick publication of their papers. Authors should contact the Editorial Office (e-mail: : for fast-track submission. The review process will be conducted as rapidly as possible. Accepted manuscripts are published ahead of print with DOI. After ahead of print publication, the copy-editing and proofreading process proceeds in the same order as for normal publication. Manuscripts requiring major revisions will not be accepted, but can be considered for normal review. The acceptance of fast-track manuscripts will be decided solely based on scientific merits of manuscripts. For Fast-track publication, regardless of nationality, the corresponding author will be charged non-refundable additional IDR 1.500.000 ($ 100) per article.


How to make a Payment 

To make a bank transfer you must first send us the following information by email to

-Organisation or name of supporter
-Your name or a contact person's name
-Your email or a contact person's email
-Contribution amount


Here are the bank details you will need to make the transfer:
Account Name : TEPIAN
Account Number : 1207251103 
Swift Address : BNINIDJASMD
Bank Address : Samarinda, Indonesia