Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, we pray for all His grace and guidance so that Volume 2 Number 4, December, 2021, Software Engineering Technology Journal (TRPL), Department of Engineering and Informatics, Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic has been published. The publication of The edition in 2021, apart from being evidence to support self-development and study development Ana specialization in software science studies, is also to prove that TEPIAN is published periodically for times a year, namely in March, June, September, and December. We as managers also always Mae improvements and improvements so that this TEPIAN Journal can be recognized internationally. In Volume 2 Number 4 December 2021, TEPIAN Journal presents a number of notes containing articles from research results related to software engineering development. This edition of the journal contains 7 (seven) articles related to computer science disciplines. Some of the articles that we have published in this edition are expected to be able to contribute to the development of the discipline of software engineering technology in Indonesia and in East Kalimantan in particular. The editors would like do thank the contributors to this edition of the Journal of Software Engineering Technology Studies, som of whom have been waiting a long time for their articles to be published in the issue of the Second volume in 2021. Once again, I hope it will be useful for readers and will give rise to fresh and net ideas in the development of software engineering technology. The editors also expect input and submissions of academic manuscripts and scientific writings that will serve as a repertoire of software engineering studies.
Published: December 1, 2021