Main Article Content
The advancement of technology has facilitated access to information and various applications spanning desktop, web, and mobile platforms, becoming an integral part of everyday life. Among these platforms, websites are the most widely used. The web is widely used for business purposes. One of the common businesses is laundry services, which has become essential for individuals with busy schedules, such as workers and students. Busy daily activities make the need for clean clothes a top priority. However, the existence of many laundry service providers creates intense competition and difficulties for new consumers in finding the right service. This research examines a web services-based laundry service designed to help consumers find and book quality laundry services in their vicinity. It also provides process monitoring features and estimated time for clothes pickup. For laundry service owners, these web services offer opportunities to improve their business. This research uses the Waterfall method of software development, including the stages of analysis, design, coding, and testing. Use case diagrams were used to model the interaction between actors in the application, while class diagrams were used to describe the database structure. Activity and sequence diagrams were used to illustrate the flow of the application. The web interface is designed according to user needs. The result of this research is web services that can help consumers find and order laundry services easily and efficiently. Blackbox testing is conducted to ensure that all designed functions run properly. This application has the potential to help laundry service owners increase their income. Application development is done using Visual Studi Code with PHP Native programming language and MySQL as database management.
Article Details
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Abdillah, L. A. (2019). Analysis of online transportation mobile applications using user experience questionnaire in the millennial and Z era. Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis, 9(2), 204.
Abdul Rosyi, F. E., & Hidayatullah, R. S. (2020). Design of laundry service information system at Green Lab Laundry based on Android. Journal of Information Systems, Applied, Management, Accounting Research, 4(4), 173-180.
Abdurahman, H., & Riswaya, A. R. (2021). Credit payment loan application at Yudha Bhakti Bank. Journal of Computech & Business, 8(2).
Akbar, R., Silvana, M., & Alizar, A. F. (2019). Designing a non-cash payment application for car wash business management by utilizing QR code technology (Case study: Oto Pro Car Wash & Detailing Padang). Prosiding Semnastek.
Alda, M. (2019). Laundry information system using the Android-based waterfall method at Simply Fresh Laundry. Journal of Technology Information, 3(2), 122.
Andramawan, Y., Ummi, K., & Saleh, A. (2018). Android-based computer, laptop, and smartphone repair service booking application design. IT Journal, 6, 25-35.
Apriana, V., & Fauziah, S. (2021). Applying waterfall method on sales information system. Jurnal Mantik, 5(2), 820-826.
Christian, K., Rizal, N., Alam, & Amir. (2019). Information system design for car and motorcycle washing services. Inti Nusa Mandiri, 14(1), 65-70.
Cahyadi, R., Damayanti, A., & Setiawan, I. (2019). Firebase technology for Lapor Akakom application. JIKO (Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer), 4(1), 11-17.
Fariyanto, F., & Ulum, F. (2021). Designing village head election application with UX design thinking method (Case study: Kuripan Village). Journal of Technology and Systems Information, 2(2), 52-60. Retrieved from
Fazli, M. R., Pandapotan, L., Rizaldi, M., & Widiastiwi, Y. (2021). Development analysis of Tukang Bersih Indonesia mobile application (Case study: Pt. Anilo Adikarya Sentosa). (April), 374-385.
Harijanto, B., Putri, I. K., Hani'ah, M., Wijayaningrum, V. N., & Ratsanjani, M. H. (2021). Development of a toddler growth and development information system at Posyandu Rajawali, Singosari District, Malang Regency. Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABN), 2(2), 48-61.
Hendrianto, D. E. (2021). Creation of a website-based library information system at State Junior High School 1 Donorojo, Pacitan Regency. Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security (IJNS), 3(4).
Indrajani. (2020). Database design. Elex Media Komputindo.
Kurniawan, T. A. (2018). Use case modeling (UML): An evaluation of some mistakes in practice. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer, 5(1), 77.
Mulyadi, B., Jaroji, & T., A. (2019). Android-based laundry service ordering system (E-Laundry) application. Zo: Journal of System Information, 1(1), 48-57.
Muhammad, F., Andreswari, R., Fajar, S., Gumilang, S., & Industri, F. R. (2020). Backend website design with Vue.js and Laravel frameworks at Startup Manawa with waterfall method. e-Proceeding Engineering, 7(2), 7122-7130.
Nugroho, B. (2020). Basic PHP MySQL web programming. Yogyakarta: Gava Media Publisher.
Nugroho, H. E., & Nugroho, A. (2021). Analysis and design of e-commerce at Dope13Store shoe shop using Laravel framework. Information Systems Journal, 4(1), 38-44.
Pernando, Y., Anton, O., Saragih, R. E., & Roza, Y. (2023). M-Wash Android mobile application (Case study: Pt. Yzo Putra Sejahtera). JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 9(3), 385-392.
Permana, B. D. (2021). Reimagining timbre nostalgic sound through music composition. UPT Library ISI Yogyakarta, 3, 1-16. Retrieved from
Pramudita, R., Arifin, R. W., Alfian, A. N., Safitri, N., & Anwariya, S. D. (2021). Penggunaan aplikasi Figma dalam membangun UI/UX yang interaktif pada Program Studi Teknik Informatika Stmik Tasikmalaya. Jurnal Buana Pengabdian, 3(1), 149-154.
Robi, R., & Pernando, Y. (2023). Design and implementation of MSME products Android-based vegetarian application “VegeYuk”. Terapan Informatika Nusantara (TIN), 4(4), 246-251.
Simargolang, M. Y., & Nasution, N. (2018). WEB-based laundry service application (Case study: Pelangi Laundry Kisaran). Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 2(1).
Sitinjak, M., Dido, D., & Suwita, J. (2020). Analysis and design of English course administration information system at Intensive English Course in Ciledug Tangerang. Ipsikom, 8(1), 1-19.
Sonita, A., & Fardianitama, R. F. (2019). E-order application using Firebase and Android-based Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm. Pseudocode, 5(2), 38-45.
Tabrani, M., & Pudjiarti, E. (2023). Application of the waterfall method to the inventory information system Pt. Pangan Sehat Sejahtera. Jurnal Inkofar, 34(1), 189-196.
Taqwiym, A. (2019). Design of Android-based Shirouoshien promotion application. Teknomatika, 8(2), 193-204.
Voutama, A. (2022). Website-based car wash queuing system using CRM concepts and UML implementation. Komputika: Jurnal Sistem Komputer, 11(1), 102-111.
Wahyuni, R., Ordila, R., & Muhaimin, A. (2021). Web-based laundry shuttle service (Jetar) startup (Case study: Panam Area Laundry). Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, 10(2), 85-90.
Widjadja, Y. R., Alamsyah, D. P., Rohaeni, H., & Sukanjie, B. (2018). The role of MSME HR competencies in improving the performance of MSMEs in Cilayung Village, Jatinangor District, Sumedang. Jurnal Abdimas BSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(3).
Yaqin, M. S. A. (2016). Analysis of the design of laundry service applications based on Visual Basic 2010 and SQL Server 2000 at Gajayana Laundry. Semnasteknomedia Online, 4(1), 2-9.
Yulius, I. T., & Lubis, S. R. H. (2019). An overview of the implementation of the OHS promotion program at Pt Pertamina Trans Kontinental Jakarta in 2019. JUMANTIK (Journal of Health Research), 4(1), 15.