Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): December 2023

buletin poltanesa sinta

We are pleased to present the latest edition of Buletin Poltanesa, Volume 24, Number 2, December 2023, which brings together a diverse collection of research from various disciplines. This issue highlights significant contributions in fields such as agriculture, economics, education, engineering, forest management, health sciences, and social sciences. In agriculture, Sumiyati Tuhuteru and colleagues explore sustainable practices with their study on the effects of pig manure and NPK fertilizer on Pakcoy yield. In economics, Rizqi Shafira Chairunnisa examines Indonesia's economic diplomacy, while Ariabima Putra Perdana discusses innovative business systems. Educational research by Kautsar Eka Wardhana focuses on integrating philosophy into student management, offering new insights into educational practices. Engineering research, led by Anton Prafanto, assesses Samarinda's air pollution using advanced algorithms, while in forest management, Mohamad Ilham Nurfaizi analyzes the health of Margasari mangroves, emphasizing sustainable practices. In health sciences, Nurhasanah’s study on the “Dogima” program reflects the importance of community-based health initiatives. Lastly, social science research by Cherryl Gwyneth Daniel addresses maritime security and the prevention of transnational crime. We extend our gratitude to the authors and editorial team for their contributions. We hope this edition provides valuable insights and inspires further research across these fields.

Published: 2023-12-31



Forest Management

Health Science

Social and Political Sciences

Software Engineering & Informatics