⚠️ STARTING IN 2025 : Poltanesa Bulletin will accept manuscripts in a bilingual format (ENG-INA) ⚠️



Buletin Poltanesa

ISSN: 2614-8374 (Online) SINTA 3

DOI: doi.org/10.51967/tanesa

Website: http://e-journal.politanisamarinda.ac.id

Published By: Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda
Associate with : Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS)

Frequency: 2 issues per year (June & December)

RSS Submission

Research and Public Service Department

Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

Buletin Poltanesa is a collection of research articles, scientific works, and dedication from all academic community in order to integrate information. Buletin Poltanesa provides open publication services for all members of the public, both in all tertiary educational and teacher environments and other research institutions, with the freedom to exchange information that is dedicated to facilitating collaboration between researchers, writers and readers through information exchange. Buletin Poltanesa was introduced and developed in Research Department of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda, supported by the Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS) (18/ISAS/MoU/2023) Buletin Poltanesa has been accredited by SINTA 3 according to SK No: (10/C/C3/DT.05.00/2025.

Buletin Poltanesa is published periodically twice a year, in June and December, this journal contains the results of research activities, discoveries and ideas in the field all multidisciplinary sciences. Hopefully with the articles in cultivation researchers can share knowledge in order to advance Indonesia, especially East and North Borneo.