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The role of MOL as a basic component of fertilizer, microorganisms not only beneficial to plants are also useful as
decomposers agents of organic materials, agricultural waste, household waste and industry. The rapidly growing
decomposer in organic farming systems is utilizing local microorganisms
). Local microorganisms
) are
microorganisms that are used as starter in the manufacture of solid organic fertilizer and liquid fertilizer. The main
ingredient of MOL consists of several components, namely carbohydrates, glucose, and microorganism sources.
This study is based on the amount of untreated fruit waste, banana cultivation waste that is left to accumulate
without being treated more useful, the golden snail is always considered a pest on crops and cattle rumen are
wasted and efforts to overcome dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides can be done by increasing the
role of microorganisms. The objective of this research is to produce mole solution which can be used as bioactivator
and as organic liquid and microorganism found in mole. . The materials used in the manufacture of MOL are banana
sticks, fruit waste, golden snail, cow rumen, cow urine, coconut water, rice laundry water
), terasi, brown sugar
for MOL I whereas For MOL II only distinguished by using sugar white. Mole made by fermentation MOL Making
done in Laboratoriuam Production of State Agricultural Polytechnic of Samarinda. The result of physical observation
of the moles performed every day on the 10th day of the mole is already so / ripe based on the following
characteristics when kissed mole has no odor or smell of tape, there is a change of color from brown to dark brown
and the state of temperature which has stabilized three days in a row. On the surface of the mole there are white
threads on the surface of the mole. Based on the chemical analysis of nutrients in the mole is still low. As for the
identification of microorganisms in bioactivators in combination MOL I there are 4 types of bacteria, namely
Clavibacter, Agrobacterium, Clostridium, Pseudomonas berfluorescens, while for MOL II there are 3 types of
pessimus ie Pseudomonas berkluorescens, Erwinia and Clavibacter


local microorganism fermentation bio-activator

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