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Cloud storage services can create an object storage bucket to store our pictures, among them the Cloud Storage FUSE, Scaleway, S3 bucket, Firebase,  etc. intelligent IoT systems generate vast amounts of multi-source industrial data, which necessitate a large amount of storage and processing power to enable real-time data processing and analysis. Cloud computing can be intricately linked into intelligent IIoT systems due to its strong computational and storage capabilities. Cloud Storage for Object Detection using ESP32-CAM. Create a workable solution that supports distributed storage bucket and implement it in a real-world setting. Implement the entire system as an addition to the well-known IoT cloud storage and run multiple experiments to evaluate its functionality in scenarios with varying setups and system. The target objects that are used as data sets are the ESP8266, Wemos D1, and Arduino Uno. Figuring out the ideal parameters for training the FOMO (First Object, More Object) model and then putting it into practice. It was necessary to find a balance between learning rate and accuracy, on the other hand, to maintain the highest possible accuracy in the identification of the microcontroller object to minimise the number of false positive reports. Find the value learning rate effective to this object is 0.01 with F1 score 98.7% and accuracy score 89.58%.


Cloud Storage, ESP32CAM, Object Detection, FOMO

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How to Cite
Imron, I., Satria, B., Karim, S., & Ramadhani, F. (2024). Cloud Storage for Object Detection using ESP32-CAM. TEPIAN, 5(2), 50–57.


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