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This research is motivated by the processing of palm oil, transportation factors get special attention.
The transportation of palm fruit from the garden to the factory should be as fast as possible so that the
fruit harvested today can be processed directly so that free fatty acids are not high. Extensive oil palm
plantations and garden conditions far from the factory, it will be more difficult to regulate the entry of
Fresh Fruit Bunches (TBS) to the Palm Oil Factory (PKS), so that the company must have a good
management system that can run effectively and efficiently so that it needs proper transportation for
perushan so that it can transport all tbs harvested by minimizing time, cost and maintain the quality of
From the description above, the formula that can be formulated in this study is to know the time of
transportation, the needs of transport equipment and what obstacles are encountered at the time of TBS
transportation. While the limitations of the problem there is tbs transport research contained in fadeling
Brafo, Alfah and Delta with different distances (near, medium and farthest). The purpose of this research
is to know the process of planning the needs of TBS conveyances, as well as knowing the obstacles
when transporting TBS.
The results of research conducted at PT. Berau Karetindo Lestari shows that tbs transportation
planning includes the production of TBS per day, TBS transport time, availability of conveyance,
transportation needs and constraints in transportation. In Bravo afdeling requires 2 units of tarktor, for
afdeling Alfah 4 units taktor, and afdeling Delta requires 3 units of tractor. As for the needs of the truck
on Loading ramp 1 as many as 10 units and Loading ramp 2 to 8 units. This is obtained after calculating
the number of transport equipment needs to transport TBS every day. For the overall needs of the
company, tractors are needed as many as 17 and DT as many as 18 units. As for the obstacles at the
time of tbs transportation, namely, the road conditions in TPH are not good and the distance of the
factory is so far that it takes so much time to get to the factory.


transportation planning tarktor needs truck Dumt needs transportation constraints

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