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The study is supported by the growing scale of land or land that is used for palm plants, both in
industrial sectors and in communities that strive to farm on private land, which is used to provide
sustainable income.The aim of the researchers is to know the welfare rates of farmers based on the
incomes of the palm farm, the method used is proportionate random sampling to the number of 35
people in the village bendang group and then analyze each of the respondents from gender, age and
education, as well as to identify the farmers from the standpoint of jobs before attempting the palm
farm before attempting the palm farm, Income after the existence of the small farm, expenses for the
living and expenses left over from the revenues used for living expenses. As a result of the study
conducted, 28 people (80%) of farmers in the small and prosperous tilapia made enough profit to
meet their daily needsIncome ranges between $4,000,000-rp 10,000,000 and there are also 7 The
people (20%) who feel that they are not making ends meet in terms of the income from the non-oil
tankers they are working on because some things such as unachievable harvests are affecting
unusually low income. The result of research being done is level The welfare of palm plant farmers in
the village is a big sprout The southeast is in the welfare category judging by the income from the
business Just start the palm.


The welfare of Farmers Palm Big Village

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